Thursday, January 26, 2012

2012 Starting of the New Year

Good morning Guthrie, well I will try my hand back at my blog as I have been absent from posting for about a year and much has happened. This weekend the City Council will be holding it's annual retreat where we will vacation in the luxurious conference room at City Hall and set forth what we will feel are the priority focuses for the City this year. I encourage our citizens to either visit the cities face book page or webpage and contribute your thoughts and ideas on what you would like to see happen in your community over this 2012 year. Here is one thing on my mind for this year "I would like to see the City start to work with the neighbored solutions and local community groups as wells as the parks board in order to develop a master plan of developing the community streets as lined out in the strategic plan. I believe this action will ensure the history and values our historic homes districts and other areas and to develop a strong sense of community atmosphere. This can only occur with the planning departments help and all parties looking for grants and various sources of funding to make this happen. Some examples would be to develop round-a-bouts on large street intersections, historic lighting in conjunction with OG&E in neighborhoods.
In addition, the development of our shared parks into areas that develop strong community involvement i.e. dog parks, community farms, recreation/ and social event center within our parks or other designated areas.  Action this year to clean up and improve the parks and develop a master plan for the City regarding these type projects." Wow am I a dreamer or what......However; these are the exact projects that this great City needs and I believe warrants for our citizens. It will take community support and funding to make projects like this happen but I look forward one day to cutting the ribbon on these projects and opening the doors for the community to take part in. Share your thoughts and ideas we can never have to many....


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