Thursday, May 21, 2009

Tuesday May 19th, 2009 Council Meeting

Good morning, 

The Guthrie City Council held it's second full meeting with the new council members this week and the agenda was quite short as most of the items were  under consent agenda and approvals of claims. I have stated on other post here that you as citizens have the ability to download these agendas to view what makes up the council packets and see where your money is going. Again when I came on board as councilman this was my way of making sure the general public had access to the City for review. 

I would like to also take a moment to thank Lynn Colorio for putting together the First Annual- EAST TOWNSHIP BAZAAR. It is the intention to make this an annual event and I look forward to next year.

Don't forget that the movie The Killer Inside Me is currently shooting on the West side of the town and traffic will be disrupted during the days as movie production is occurring

Let me know if you have thoughts or suggestions that are on your mind. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Tre' Ayers Ward I 

Friday, May 8, 2009

60th Council Sworn In

Good morning,

Well this last Tuesday the 60Th City Council was sworn into office and I delighted to have the ability to work with each new member. I am once again excited for the future of our great community and look forward to working along the new members to provide a great service to the City of Guthrie. As a small community we still have many issues to resolve, but not unlike many small Oklahoma communities. As your City Council we are and will be dilligently working to better ourselves and the community. So in conclusion I want to welcome the newest members of the City Council and wish each of you congratulations we have a great challenge in front of us, however the success of our community is a great reward. 

Trey Ayers Ward 1

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Get out and VOTE!!

Just a reminder to get out and VOTE on February 10th, 2009 for WARD I Primary. The candidates are as follows:

Doug Hehn: Incumbent

John Wood

Justin Fortney

I encourage you to get out and vote for these gentleman, this is a great privilege to choose who will represent you and our great city.

Thanks for continuing to support our wonderful community, and I will see you at the polls!


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A New Year

Its been a while since my last post and things are proceeding on schedule with several projects that the City has been working on. The City council moved forward on the approval of the construction of the  new water treatment plant at the end of December, that will provide service for many years to come and supply the demands of our growing community. If you have not noticed the new construction of the Holiday Inn Express is underway and will provide some much needed hotel space for the City for our many events and general visitors to Guthrie. In addition to the hotel the Taco Bell is almost complete and ready to go into operation. Again I am excited to see our community continue to be in a growth pattern when things are tight across the country our City continues to shine through. 

I would also like to thank the people that I run into across this community that have showed me support of my actions on behalf of the City. I am proud to serve you and to be your voice within our City and our community. Again thank you for the great opportunity to be your representative and I am humbled and grateful for serving this role on your behalf.

