Wednesday, August 20, 2008

August 19th, 2008 City Council Update

Good morning, from my office in Guthrie, Oklahoma. The City council met once again last night and the agenda held was pretty standard business items dealing with renewals of health and dental for city employees etc.. Also the award for the waste water treatment plant chemicals was awarded last night as part of the Guthrie Public Works Authority Meeting held as well, during our session. I would like to make note that Betsy Randolph was re-appointed to the Forestry Board and Amanda Fortney was appointed to the Library Board. I know both of these women and they are both great individuals and we as a community are lucky to have them serving on our behalf, and for our community. The City received its audited financials for last year this week and they have been finalized. I have made a request that the final audit report be posted to the City of Guthrie's Website for easy access and review. If not posted today it should be posted by the end of this week. Once again this request is in order to make sure that the City remains transparent and that its citizens have easy access to this type of information. again you if you would like to review last nights agenda it can be found at this link . The City website will also replay the Council meeting, as well as Chanel 20 for Cox Cable subscribers.

One quick note, today starts the first day of School for Guthrie. Please be careful today and the coming weeks traveling within posted school zones and around town, as we get used to the kids being back in motion. I know the police department will be working hard to control speeds in and around our local schools and neighborhoods.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve this great community.



Wednesday, August 6, 2008

August 5th, 2008 Council Update

Good Morning once again,
The City of Guthrie Council met again last night 8/5/2008 with a healthy agenda. I am not going to go over each line item for the sake of keeping my write up short but you may review the packet at This is the same packet that the Council receives and is the working documents for the meetings. This was one of the request I made when coming on board along with the televising all board, and special workshop meetings dealing with the City. I acted on these items to make sure that the general public has the ability to see all of the Cities actions up close and personal. The City "Your City" has an open stance for viewing what transpires within the decision's that the City makes. A comment was made last night regarding the City making decision's behind closed doors. This same person claimed to have contacted each and every council member regarding their concern. I and several other council members were never contacted regarding that concern! I have worked hard to take the comments of "behind closed doors" out of the equation. The City can only continue to put out information to inform the public to the best of its ability. I will continue to work on finding ways to make sure citizens are indeed informed, however citizens also need to take time to educate themselves in matters and we welcome your input and cooperation. I am a citizen just like you within the community, and I expect nothing less than full disclosure from our City Government. I to have negative issue dealing with various component's surrounding the City. I however by being elected and by the general nature of being a concerned citizen, also try and find solutions to various issues that we are dealing with as a community. I encourage citizens that do indeed have concerns to offer up solutions to their concerns in lieu of just the negative. It is important that we share the options of solutions and work towards resolutions. I have packed my bags for the new trip ahead for the City of Guthrie. My bags are not packed with the trips from the past.

Trey Ayers